Consumo dietÃtico de ferro como fator preditivo das reservas corporais do mineral, transferrinemia e eritropoiese em prÃ-escolares de creches pÃblicas do Recife-PE




Backgound: Iron deficiency and its consequent anaemia is a major public health concern worldwide, affecting mainly children. Dietary factors seem to play an important role on the genesis of anaemia. Objective: to assess dietary iron intake and enhancers and inhibitors of iron bioavailability, as a predictor of iron status among preschoolers attending public day care centres in Recife, Northeast Brazil. Methods: cross-sectional design involving 124 children, aged 6-59m, of both sexes, randomly selected from 34 day care centres in Recife, 1999. Food intake was assessed by past 24 hours dietary recall + food weighed and the adequation estimated according to the Daily Reference Intake. Iron status was evaluated by haemoglobin (Hb), serum ferritin (FerS), serum iron (SI), total iron binding capacity (TIBC), transferring saturation (%TS) and free erythrocyte protoporphyrin (EP). Results: 30.0% of children showed depleted body stores (FerS<12 ng/mL), 60.0% low transferrinemia (%TS<16%), 67.3% deficient erythropoiesis (EP>70 mol/mol ) and 51.0% anaemia (Hb<11.0 g/dL). Daily iron intake was 5.1 mg and haem-iron 0.6 mg. The great majority of children did not meet the requirements for iron (96.0%), vitamin C (66.0%) and fibre (98.0%), although it was very low to moderate the number of children which did not meet the requirement for protein (0.0%), retinol (6.0%), and calcium (28.0). Protein intake was correlated to haem-iron (r= 0.6) and total iron (r= 0.4) as well as protein and calcium (r= 0.7). Iron consumption did not show any correlation (p>0.05) with iron status. However there was a relationship between protein intake and SI (r= 0.2), %TS (r= 0.2), TIBC (r= -0.2) and EP (r= -0.3). Furthermore retinol intake was correlated to FerS (r= -0.3). Conclusions: Iron deficiency and anaemia are a sever public health problem among the study population. Low iron content in diets that do not improve iron bioavailability increases the vulnerability to ferropenia. Iron intake was not a predictor to iron status suggesting that other nutrients, diseases and environmental factors might be linked to the aetiology of anaemia


consumo alimentar nutricao ingestÃo dietÃtica de ferro food consumption parÃmetros bioquÃmicos biodisponibilidade dietary iron intake iron status prÃ-escolares bioavailability pre-school children

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