A culpabilidade e a puniÃÃo da pessoa jurÃdica em delitos ambientais: a necessÃria revisÃo da dogmÃtica penal / Corporate culpability and punishment in offences against the environment: the necessary reviewing of criminal law dogmas




Corporate liability for damages to the environment: a theme of paramount relevance having deserved interest among all scholars dealing with Criminal, Economic, Environmental and Constitutional Law. Once having defined the legal model of environmental tutorship, the study of sanctions as instruments of protection follows, and, necessarily, the question of corporate criminal liability is raised. In the present work, it is intended to place under consideration the theme of corporate criminal liability for environmental damages under the focus, to start, of the Brazilian constitutional text, which gives a special place to the protection of the environment to the benefit of present and future generations and contemplates measures purporting to defend the environment against possible and probable abuses. The purpose of the dissertation is to prove that corporate criminal liability for environmental damages is compatible with the traditional theory of crime, of culpability and of the functions of the penalty, provided that the contemporary tendency is adopted, of rendering flexible the legal-penal dogmatic and of changing the present paradigm of the punitive control system. Penal tutorship of juridical goods of a social character (ecocentric prospective) requires the reviewing of certain dogmas in order to guarantee an effective penal protection vis-Ã-vis the process of economic globalization and of transnational criminality, transcending the notion of classical Criminal Law which understands man under an anthropocentric prospective


corporate criminal liability direito publico responsabilidade penal da pessoa jurÃdica flexibilizaÃÃo da dogmÃtica jurÃdico-penal environmental crimes flexible legal-penal dogmatic crimes ambientais

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