Universidade Federal de Pernambuco Centro de CiÃncias Sociais Aplicadas Departamento de CiÃncias Administrativas Programa de PÃs GraduaÃÃo em AdministraÃÃo - PROPAD / Federal university of Pernambuco Center of Social Sciences Applied Department of Administrative Sciences Program of After Graduation in Administration - PROPAD




The notion of development attached to the idea of economic increase highlights Entrepreneurship as a major condition for development. Articulation of collective demands is contemplated by a âsocial entrepreneurshipâ that adopts strategies for assimilating new demands, of a social character, in a way that those are perceived as valid means for reinforcing hegemonic values and ideas. However, in new forms of collective identification and thought, we find an investigation space of the way (counter)hegemonic struggle is organized to disestablish meanings that seemed fixed before. Considering the network of changes occurred in production and consumption logics, the State, in the post-Second World War cultural diffusion, and in the environment, a plurality of struggles and proposals have been articulated in an inedited manner, expressing resistance and alternatives against capitalist exploitation and its effects. A critical decentring opens way for a new social logic insofar as social practices articulate and contest certain discourses. Through post-structuralist lenses, the entrepreneurial subject articulates an alternative representation space. A differentiated relational logic is highlighted in the constructive character of this subject as identification with values of a collectivity, a discourse that guides the meaning of cooperative action. Sustainability is evidenced as a plural element for re-organizing productive and consumption frameworks and subordinating technique to social subjects. When cultural formations contradict political and economic logics that try to re-functionalize them for exploitation, cultural elements that alone have no necessary political connotations are articulated in an alternative discourse and development as a political project is articulated in equivalential relations confronting a repressive structure.


pÃs-estruturalismo desenvolvimento administracao produÃÃo e consumo articulatory practice discourse. culture and identity discurso prÃtica empreendedora de carÃter social pÃs-estruturalismo production and onsumption post-structuralism development produÃÃo e consumo desenvolvimento discurso prÃtica articulatÃria social entrepreneurship practice prÃtica empreendedora de carÃter social cultura e identidade

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