O Direito fundamental de resistÃncia na ConstituiÃÃo Federal de 1988




This work is about the right of resistance, as a fundamental right of the citizen to oppose himself to unjust orders of the sovereign. It examines the case of the Federal Constitution of 1988 in order to find out whether this constitutional text recognises the right in question. The work is divided into two parts: in the first part, the historical, philosophical and juridical aspects of the right to resistance are discussed, and in the second, the treatment given by the Federal Constitution of 1988 to the right of resistance is examined. In spite of the philosophy and the political doctrine easily recognising the right of the citizen to react against oppression, this does not occur in the ambit of the constitutional text. However, through a systematic interpretation of the Brazilian Constitution in force, taking the second paragraph of the fifth article of this same constitutional text as a starting point, the implicit recognition of the right to resistance is possible, in its collective and non-violent modalities, as a result of the option of the originary constitutive power for a Democratic State of Law and the dignity of the human being, as an essential value that must be achieved by the Brazilian State


direito constituiÃÃo da repÃblica federativa do brasil de 1988 direito brasileiro

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