A democracia e o direito fundamental à educaÃÃo : o papel da sociedade para a sua efetivaÃÃo perante exigibilidade dos direitos sociais




One cannot contest the claim for the right to education, pursuant to the 1988 Brazilian Federal Constitution. The constitutional text qualified it as a subjective public right, as stated in the Child and Adolescent Statute, in the National Education Guidelines Act, which establishes in its article 5 that âany citizen, group of citizens, community association, labor union, or other legally constituted entity, and even the Public Prosecutorâ can call on the Public Authority to demand access to education. It represents an improvement in the quality of previous legislations. The objective of this research is to analyze the new legislation, which involved the Legislative Branch in its preparation and the Executive Branch at the time of sanction and the previous constitutionality review. It also analyzes if the legislation was acknowledged by the Judiciary Branch, when provoked by the parts that hold the subjective right to education, directly, or through the Public Prosecutor, and above all, it evaluates the social control in the compliance with the right to education. The research also intends to build an interpretation of the social rights, focusing on education, as a guiding link between electoral democracy and citizen democracy, to service to communities, counsels, Public Prosecutor, and other stakeholders, in the use of strategies in the requirement of this right; overcoming the old interpretation of the Principle of Separation of Powers (Legislative, Executive, and Judiciary) that has constituted a hindrance to the effective implementation of the right to education and an excuse of the public officials to mitigate the irregular and insufficient supply of public education, precariously seen as programmatic norm. Lastly, it seeks to collaborate to change the Brazilian high level of illiteracy or poor instruction


educaÃÃo democracia direito pÃblico subjetivo social controls direito education subjective public right democracy controle social

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