The practical professor in the school forest: the educative challenge of a proposal construtivista / A prática docente na Escola Bosque: o desafio educativo de uma proposta construtivista




In this paper, I investigate the professional experiences of six Elementary School teachers, in which I include myself, from Centro de Referência em Educação Ambiental Escola Bosque Foundation, Belém/Pará, whose educational project embrace interdisciplinary constructivist environmental perspective that presuppose effective pupils participation in constructivist knowledge process interacting scholar contents and making the research possible. Aiming at drawing a profile of pedagogic actions lived in a context of social, historical and cultural implications which reveal structural subsides involved in the investigated educational project, I present docent narratives and report my own pedagogic practice. For such deeds, I utilize theoretical presupposition of narrative research that considers the reports of individual significant experiences from involved people, and I contextualize the docent practice establishing a dialog with pertinent literature and with the schools own documental material. From obtained data I could testify that some pedagogic practices glimmered at Escola Bosques physical space, even presenting imperfections, configure themselves as constructivist and interdisciplinary and institute themselves by research, becoming a special action to be considered for teaching quality amelioration.


funda??o centro de refer?ncia em educa??o ambiental escola bosque professor eidorfe moreira constructivism prática de ensino research historical and social context interdisciplinaridade abordagem interdisciplinar do conhecimento na educação prática docente construtivismo (educação) educação ambiental interdisciplinarity pesquisa - contexto histórico-social educacao construtivismo docent practice

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