Os efeitos de diferentes tipos de treinamento contra resistÃncia na hipertrofia muscular em homens idosos




Objective: the present study aimed at determining whether high speed (HS) resistance training is more effective than low speed (LS) training to induce muscle hypertrophy in elderly men. Methods: Twenty elderly men (aged between 69 and 76 years) were divided in two groups: LS training (n = 9) and HS training (n = 11). The volunteers engaged in resisted training twice a week, during 10 weeks. Both groups performed the same exercises with loads between 40% and 60% of 1 RM. There were performed three sets of eight repetitions of each exercise, with rest intervals of 90 seconds between sets. Muscle thickness (MT) was measured by ultrasound using a HDI 5000 Philips device at biceps brachii (BIC) and rectus femoris (RF), using a 12 MHz high resolution scanning probe. Results: statistical analysis showed that there were significant increases (p≤ 0,05) in MT of BIC (LS=6,7% and HS=14,3%) and RF muscles (LS=5,5% and HS=11,3%) in both training groups. In addition, there was significant difference in MT increase of the BIC muscle between groups. BIC muscle thickness increase after HS were twice as high as the obtained after LS (LS=0,15Â0,11 and HS=0,30Â0,19). There was no difference in MT alterations of the RF muscle (LS=0,09Â0,15 and HS=0,20Â0,16). Conclusion: Ten week of LS and HS resistance training performed twice a week induced muscle hypertrophy of the upper and lower limbs in elderly men. In addition, HS training seems to yield better results in upper limb muscle hypertrophy than LS training in male elderly with physical characteristics similar to those tested in the present study.


envelhecimento velocidade de contraÃÃo resistance training treinamento de forÃa; envelhecimento; velocidade de contraÃÃo; hipertrofia muscular aging hipertrofia muscular muscle thickness educacao fisica muscle hypertrophy treinamento de forÃa contraction speed

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