O fenÃmeno da mentoria na percepÃÃo dos professores do curso de administraÃÃo da Faculdade Integrada do Recife : insights para um modelo brasileiro de mentoria




This dissertation is an exploratory research on the phenomenon of the mentoring in the perception of the professors of the Business Administration Program of the Faculdade Integrada do Recife (FIR). From this particular approach, it focuses on the development of insights for the construction of an adequate model of mentoring to the Brazilian reality. The research had the objective of identifying and analyzing the mentoring functions in accordance with estimated theoreticians of Kram (1985, 1983), instrumentality and validated for Noe (1988) in instrument of collection of data with 32 items. Each item was analyzed in terms of importance of the behavior, of frequency with which the respondent perceived such behavior on the part of the professor who considers its main mentor and of frequency with which the proper respondent if pledges in mentoring functions to yours students. An important dimension of the study, decurrently of these scales, it says respect to that Hegstad (1999) call of theory of the social exchanges in mentoring, that it deals with the transference of the relationship of mentoring for third. Basically, the data had been analyzed under the perspective of the descriptive statistics and analysis of correlations and in lesser degree with factorial analysis and analysis of content. It was identified that, for the studied sample, the career functions had been superior to the psychosocial functions and that the frequency of the behaviors perceived for the respondents while mentors is bigger of the one than when this are as protÃgÃ. However, both the frequencies are still inferior to that if it could assume when being overcome for base the high degree of importance given for the respondents to the mentoring functions


professores universitÃrios mentoring university professors social exchange trocas sociais administracao mentoria

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