O controle social e a participação democrática nos conselhos municipais de saúde da Ride-DF




The social control and democratic participation in the municipal councils of the Region Integrated Federal District (DF-RIDE) is a study on new forms of citizenship in the health field. It aims at analyzing the strength of democratic participation in the Municipal Health Council of RIDE-DF and develop strategies for qualification with the municipal councilors of health in order to expand the potential of social control in health Citizen, specific objectives are: To characterize the organization and operation of municipal boards of health; know the social demographic profile of the health council of the cities studied - The social representations of local health directors of democratic participation in social control; qualify the daily practices of health advisors and build strategies for continuing education for social control in the context of the municipalities of RIDE-DF is based on the theoretical and epistemological foundations of participatory democracy Boaventura Sousa Santos and the power of citizen Enrique Dussel. It is an action research, using triangulation of methods and techniques as strategies for data collection, to adopt two stages: the first featuring the profile of the organization and operation of twenty (20) municipal boards of health and socio politico-52 health counselors who make up the RIDE-DF, the second phase of action-reflection-action was carried out with the participation of 17 councils over 67 advisors from the perspective of continuing education workshops in structuring training, facilities for strengthening of social control in health, when it perceives social representations of social control, discusses with counselors to the reality of municipal councils and collectively fomula is the strategy for social control in national health in cities, the results found in first step confirmed the assumption of low intensity democratic action of the municipal councils of Ride-DF, demonstrated a profile of formal organization, with a dynamic and bureaucratic constraints with little participation in the representative capacity of the determination of municipal health policies and as the predominance of social representation of social control in health restricted to the role of supervising the management of health in cities in the process in action research, providing training for the facilitators of continuing education for social control proved to be una strategic action for change and classification of practices for municipal councilors At the end we have a critical study of the limits, challenges and potential for participatory democracy as a political field of health citizenship, built over the past twenty years, the project Sanitary Reform and the Unified Health SUS.


social control democratic participation municipal health councils controle social participação democrática conselhos municipais de saúde saude coletiva

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