Ler, Escrever, Contar e se Comportar: a Escola Primária como Rito do Século XIX Português (1820-1910) / Read, write, count and behave: the primary school as a nineteenth century Portuguese rite (1820-1910)


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The aim was to study Portuguese schools during the period between 1820 and 1910, we sought to identify aspects concerning the interface between school practices and the social debate about them. For this methodological path, we proposed to narrate daily life, presuming this is a story of actors who live in the school; who manage daily school life. Furthermore, we had the intention of intertwining this enacted school study with imaginary pedagogic representations put in Portuguese society in the referred to period. Accordingly, we intended to verify the meeting point between the way in which society perceived the educational phenomenon and the procedures really chosen in teaching, with the purpose of reconstituting in writing some of the aspects that marked the symbolic universe around education in Portugal in the last century. In Portugal in the XIX century (1820-1910) the elementary school was a ritual between generations. The school was supposed to recognize the tradition of the people and the history of the country during childhood. The future would also be given in childhood. Therefore the school would fit this future projection to the example of the past. Therefore to understand Portuguese society of the period would require the recognition of this interval between past and future; this temporary change represented by the school years. The school was a mold, a model of creation and the diffusion of values; values which, many times reproducing, at least, helped to create. The elementary school was also the institution that the community required to strengthen it. The school was the place for the production of the collective scenario for the generalization of the written code. Finally, the school was the environment that paradoxically opposed and complemented family activity. Therefore, this present work sought to track the signs of discourse about the school: which finally was the school modernity created, and which supposedly should become? In this dialog between the dominion of teaching reality and the requirements - legal, intellectual, institutional, literary about the longed for educational ideal, we sought to interpret the variety of sources, establishing directions, connections, inferences, rules; finally, creating a report. In the long period of almost a century, we sought to understand breaks and permanent aspects of a school environment, whose foundation perhaps has something to say about our contemporary pedagogy.


childhood cotidiano currículo curriculum daily life educação education educational history escola histor história história da educação infância instrução portugal portugal school século xix teaching xix century

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