Legendagem comercial e lengendagem pirata: um estudo comparado


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




This thesis reports on a study carried out within the field of Translation Studies, more specifically, Audiovisual Translation Studies, analyzing a corpus comprised of fragments extracted from ten different horror films produced in the current decade in English, with both commercial and fan-made subtitles (fansubs or fantitles) in Portuguese, drawing on categories from: i) studies about descriptive aspects in Audiovisual Translation modalities (DÍAZ-CINTAS, 2003; DÍAS-CINTAS; REMAEL, 2007); ii) studies about explicitation in Audiovisual Translation modalities (PEREGO, 2003); and iii) studies about the Flow of Information (FRIES, 1995; 2002; HALLIDAY; MATTHIESSEN, 2004; THOMPSON, 2003; 2007), aiming towards a characterization of fan-made subtitles in contrast with commercial ones. Certain differences were found between the two types of subtitling. Fan-made subtitles presented a greater number of characters per subtitle. The placing and type of fonts of commercial subtitles are established by the professional who produced them, while, in fan-made subtitles, those are chosen by the viewer. Greater reduction, condensation and omission were found in commercial subtitles. Explicitation was found in similar quantities in both types of subtitles, being the most frequent category found the explicitation motivated by cultural aspects performed by means of addition. Occurrences of explicitation were found in relatively small quantities and were not what caused the differences in the Flow of Information; it was due to greater reduction, condensation and omission in commercial subtitles. The Flow of Information revealed different patterns of Method of Development (THOMPSON, 2007). There were great numbers of the Label Absolute and the Flow of Information was often found in the Absolute >Absolute configuration. The most frequent pattern of Method of Development in both types of subtitling was the configuration based on Thematic progression derived from the Theme, recovering information from the semiotic channel in the text of the subtitles.


tradução e interpretação teses. filmes de horror teses. filmes de suspense teses. tradução fílmica teses.

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