Ensino, aprendizagem e informÃtica na educaÃÃo : um estudo das representaÃÃes sociais dos professores da educaÃÃo bÃsica




This research, under taken with teacher of elementary schools from 14 cities of State of Pernambuco in Brazil, during firsts months of 2004, presents a reflection based on a psychosocial approach, concerning then information, values and knowledge about learning-teaching process and informatics in education. We started from point of which teachersâ representations of teaching and learning process influences the in representations of the information technology in education and, as a result, in the way the teachers assumes his pedagogical practice aided by computer. Therefore, the on of this investigation is understand how rouse social representations are integrated, aiming a better implementation of informatic into scholar reality. Based on theory of Social Representation , created by Serge Moscovici in 1961, this study compused of the query applying in free association with the assignment of the most important words. This allege to understand the representations about learning process, about teaching and about informatic into the education, in their structure and pratice, as well as referring to the relations between them. This research I points out the need of teachers teaching be aware of a reflexive acting way, raised in the present conceptions about the learning-teaching process through the usage of informatics on education


concerning then information informÃtica na educaÃÃo educacao abordagem psicossocial t learning-teaching process pedagogical practice psychosocial approach prÃtica pedagÃgica teoria das representaÃÃes sociais processo de ensino-aprendizagem

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