Duloren: o interdito como estratÃgia publicitÃria




The everyday life of modern man has been suffering an avalanche of non-verbal texts. In their eagerness to appear and be noticeable, billboards, advertisements, cartoons and photographs pollute the visual space, overloading the readerâs look in such a way that he/she cannot reflect critically on what he/she sees. Among the several types of non-verbal texts that are produced and published, we highlight the print advertisements. This study analyzes some advertisements by Duloren â a brand of lingerie â and aims at showing that they are a result of reflection on the culture in which they are inserted, that is, they interact with the cultural basis that supports them. Knowing this culture, Duloren uses it in advertisements for articulating issues considered cultural taboos in order to shock the reader, making him pay attention and, thus, memorize the brand and consume the product. In other words, the issues blocked to the discourses are used by Duloren as an advertising strategy, which aims at creating a positive meaning effect regarding the brand. Such taboo themes are part of the cultural basis of a society and may vary as this basis varies, which means that the advertisements conveyed in a given culture would not be necessarily interpreted in the same way in another society whose culture is different. Based on a reflexive analysis on the strategic work carried out by the producers of imagistic texts, we try to verify how these taboo themes are manipulated in order to persuade the reader to buy not only the product, but also the model of feminine and masculine behavior. According to this model, the woman is considered an object, submissive to the man, who is conceived as a dominator while she is seen as fragile and dependent on his presence and approval. This approval, as suggested by the advertisements, is easier to get if the woman wears Duloren lingerie, which promises to be a weapon of seduction for those who wear it. We believe that a more detailed and critical reading of advertising texts may prevent the reader from inadvertently and passively consuming ideas, products and behavior models.


propaganda comunicaÃÃo nÃo verbal letras print advertisements interdito image duloren interdict

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