Uma estratÃgia para a composiÃÃo formal de frameworks




Framework based development has been presented as the next step towards better software reuse. The increasing complexity of computer systems requires the level of reuse that framework composition can achieve. In this scenario, new framework documentation and specification techniques that can eliminate behavior ambiguities and imprecision are overdue. The strategy presented in this work uses formal languages to characterize the framework composition problem, abstracting from implementation details or technology. The languages involved are CSP, Z and CSP-Z. Furthermore, the approach allows the use of the CSP model checking tool (FDR) to verify the preservation of properties after the composition. The main goal of the strategy is to address control flow composition, which is one of the most common framework composition problems. Other composition problems are also discussed, as well as their common causes and possible solutions. Finally, we will demonstrate that the strategy addresses every kind of problem at some level. The strategy intends to communicate the frameworks by matching corresponding events and data types. The composition is performed through a third component, the communication and synchronization component (CSC). This component provides the composition with great flexibility and abstraction, allowing the frameworks to communicate anonymously and eliminating collateral effects on their behavior. The strategy has been thoroughly detailed in order to allow future automation. For that, CSC specification templates and a constructive approach to its generation are presented


mÃtodos formais ciencia da computacao formal methods estratÃgia composiÃÃo de frameworks component reuse framework composition strategy reuso de componentes

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