DiscriminaÃÃo de terras devolutas : tarefa inconclusa, desde o Brasil imperial, em prejuÃzo para a Reforma AgrÃria




Due to the impossibility of the State to proceed, in the strict ambit of your cadastral resources, to the rising of the collection of devolutasâs lands existent in the Brazilian territory, uses the juridical institute of the discrimination, disciplined by the Law 6.383/1976, that establishes the process discriminatÃrio in two instances of fast solution, administrative and judicial. The evolution of discrimination of lands, began starting from the imperial Law 601/1850, and the materialization of the discrime in the Brazilian soil, to present it dates, it was not ended. To separate the lands of public domain of the lands of the private domain belongs to important interest public and social, for allowing the knowledge of the collection of lands to be used for Agrarian Reform, by distribution of lands, so that the rural property it accomplishes your social function. The first step for the obtaining and organization of the âstockâ fundiÃrio is the discrimination and collection of devolutasâs lands, followed by the regularization, auction, dispossession, acquisition and titulation. So much the dispossession for social interest, used with priority for ends of Agrarian Reform, as the acquisition for purchase and sale, they cart the emission and circulation of expressive quantity of TDA in the country


direito agrÃrio - reforma agrÃria direito tÃtulos da dÃvida agrÃria - tda economia rural

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