DinÃmicas espaciais e resultados socioambientais em assentamentos de reforma agrÃria: a espacializaÃÃo no assentamento Estivas em Amaraji - PE.




The process of occupation of the Brazilian area occurred in three mani branches: The sesmarias, a slavery and the sugar cane monoculture for export. These branches gave use to great latifunds, exploitation of the Indian community, slavery of Black Africans and socialenvironmental impacts coming from this system the Sugar Cane System. In presenting high number of concentration, excluding the small agriculture man from his main means of production, the âZona da Mataâ of Pernambuco, since the Colonial Period, characterized by the concentrated appropriation agricultural lands for expansion and exploitation of the sugar cane culture leading to the retraction of the small properties. With the crisis of the sugar cane agroindustry raising the levels of unemployment in the field and the social tensions in the region, the land occupations grew, maily by the MST (Movimento dos Sem-Terra), since the late 80Âs, as well as the acceleration of these actions during the 90Âs, which will show the existence of Land Property conflicts and that there are millions of land demanders for in it to stay and from it have part of the his support. With the expansion of the number of farms, turned into settlements, the debate about the importance of the familiar production or, to be more precise, the search for the inclusion of the rural workers population with very few resources and, consequently, excluded from the productive system. This report is about the spatial dynamics in settlements of, in a specific familiar space, the settlement of âreforma agrariaâ throughout the analysis of the social-environmental results coming from the spatialization in the Settlement âEstivasâ, such as the use of the sole, maintenance of the physical-natural environment and the social-environmental dimension inserted in this reality as a result of the spatial dynamics of the âZona da Mataâ of Pernambuco


produÃÃo familiar rural settlements assentamentos rurais fundiary conflicts conflitos fundiÃrios familiar production geografia

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