A qualificação profissional na educação não formal de ensino no contexto da reestruturação produtiva / The professional qualification in the not formal system of education in the context of the productive reorganization




This work is inserted in the Educational Politics and Management of the pos-graduate program on Education of the Uberlandia Federal University, and has as main subject the politics and practices of professional qualification, implemented in the last half of the decade of 1990 in Brazil. The related subject composes the discussion on the mutations of the world of the work and the qualification of the worker in the restructuring productive context. Its main objective is to analyze the proposals of the Qualification National Plan (PNQ), elaborated for the Ministry of the Work, Job and Income, in the daily activities of one of the entities executors, which is the the Center of Enterprise Excellency in Services - (CENEX), located in Uberlandia MG - Brazil, in the year of 2005. It is intended to understand the relation between education, work, employability, professional qualification in the productive reorganization and the process of the state reconfiguration, in the search to reach the considered objectives. It searched specifically to analyze and to qualify the materialization of the politics of qualification in the 1990 decade in Brazil and, specifically in the CENEX while entity executor of the PNQ in the year of 2005; as well as carrying through the crossing of the data of PLANTEQ-MG/CENEX 2005; of the evaluation reports of the UNITRABALHO PlanTeQ/2004, Final Managemental Report of Accompaniment of the Actions of PNQ/PLANTEQ-MG /2005 presented by the SEDESE. The methodologic procedures use the model of qualitative research. The analyses had been carried through the direct source of the data, of the descriptive nature of the processes and the importance of the direct participation of the citizens, that allows to the researcher to get a wide perception of the object to be investigated in its totality. The investigated entity is executor of the PNQ since 2004, it composes the not formal education system, and offers courses for the formation of the worker. They have as lifting the FADE - Foundation of Support to the Enterprise Development, that in turn is kept by the ACIUB (Commercial and Industrial Association of Uberlandia). In the field research, structuralized and half-structuralized, applied interviews are used for the systemize collection of the data, from a sample of involved professionals in the execution of the PNQ in the year of 2005 in Uberlandia, under the coordination of the SEDESE, as well as the referring documentary analysis to the execution of the PNQ in this period. The bases of this research is confirmed: do not exist direct correspondence between the formation in alternative qualification courses and the job, despite the significative financial transfer and a speech presenting as a natural condition of unemployment is about the lack of qualification, which transfers the responsibility for the individual to employ themselves. Thus, the egresses of the courses show that exactly with some carried through courses, continue dismissed. In such a way, it would empirical data it confirms to this estimated. Rethink of the governmental public politics of professional qualification becomes necessary.


ensino profissional work job políticas de qualificação profissional educação educacao educação e estado profesional qualification policies trabalho empregabilidade educação para o trabalho education

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