Training and education : professional qualification of civil construction / Treinamento e educação : qualificação profissional da construção civil




The main purpose of this study is to analyze the importance of permanent education for development and efficiency of workers in the civil construction in Campinas city and region for the last ten years, as well as to raise the problems that affect the worker and to survey about companies and how they conduct the professional qualification, and to elaborate proposals of training based on education. The applied methodology is the qualitative descriptive that tries to work with the performance and behavior of the worker, that is to collect and analyse data and compare them, to interpret not to deduce than. One evidence is that the conscientious and responsible worker contributes for attainment of the total quality control minimizing waste of time and construction material, satisfying the company, society, and especially the worker himself. The leaders of the civil construction companies must have enough confidence to transmit as much authority as possible to their employees. Thus, the respect for humanity is assured as a philosophy of management. According to this research, the companies that promote training based on the education present high degree of satisfaction with the performance of their employees, likewise reciprocity occurs. The majority of the workers demonstrates efficiency in their tasks when trained systematically. In general, it is noticed that after the training, the integration of the workers with the company and their partners is efficient, improving the quality of work, interaction between teams and mainly the personal satisfaction. When insisting on this humanistic boarding, through the permanent education, it is recognized that the behavior and the performance have the people´s values


educação para o trabalho satisfação no trabalho construção civil self-realization work satisfaction educação permanente humanidade civil construction auto-realização permanent education humanity education for work

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