A Criança surda escrevendo na língua portuguesa : questões de interlíngua




The aim of this study is to analyze the characteristics of the interlanguage (IL) of deep bilateral deaf students of a public school from the Offices of the Department of Education from the Federal District, Brazil. The students who took part in this study were going through the process of learning to write in Portuguese. The research herein presented results from a qualitative-interpretative direction and its data was collected by way of participatory observation, notes from research, individual interviews, life history, and videotaped activities developed in the classroom. The results demonstrate that the deaf participants who were more proficient in the Brazilian Sign Language (BSL) performed better in written tasks too. It was also verified that the approach used by the teacher, the contextualization of the contents taught, the students motivation to learn and the strategies used were positive and decisive factors for the satisfactory development of the process of learning the target language and for the identification of the characteristics of the participants interlanguage (IL).


interlíngua escrita bsl libras linguistica aplicada deaf students brazilian sign language portuguese l2 português l2 aluno surdo writing interlanguage

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