Uma proposta de um modelo de referÃncia para categorizaÃÃo de projetos




In the absence of a widely accepted project categorization scheme, organizations and researchers come creating schemes to meet specific purposes. The scarcity of models to guide the development of categorization schemes causes effort duplication, as each individual or organization develop its own scheme, and significant reduction in opportunities for knowledge transfer within and between organizations due to differences in categorization. This is particularly relevant for research related to the discipline of project management, since the lack of acceptance of categorization schemes reduces the opportunities for the development of knowledge through meaningful comparison between studies. The central objective of this research was to propose a reference model to guide the categorization of projects in an organization in a structured way, that model is, intuitive, extensible, focused on the problem to be solved and with high practical applicability. The development of the Reference Model for Project Categorization (MRCP) was based on a literature search intended to study the theory of categorization and analysis of fifteen project categorization schemes. The research also presents the results of a practical application of MRCP in an organization based in Recife, which exemplifies the use of all components of the proposed model.


engenharia de software gerenciamento de projetos project categorization ciencia da computacao reference model categorization scheme

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