LÃxico e atividades de categorizaÃÃo no livro didÃtico de lÃngua portuguesa




This work presents a qualitative analysis of issues related to the processing of lexicon in the process of teaching and learning of language in view of sociocognitivist studies of language presented by Mondada &D. Dubois (1995/2003), Mondada (1997), Marcuschi &Koch (1998), Marcuschi (2004, 2007) and Koch (2005c). The research focuses on investigating of the processes of categorization, linguistic phenomenon that sets the name of discourse entities, and their role in building of the network of reference text in the Portuguese language textbooks for the eighth Series (ninth year) of elementary teaching adopted by the National Program of Textbooks (PNLD/2008). It is through the activity of categorization that the subject characterizes, describes, justifies and understands the phenomena of everyday life, creating discursive objects in the course of linguistic interaction that are not available as single and ready categories for use. And during the development of progressive discourse, the subject make lexical selections in order to adapt what he wants to say about the referent and the situation. According to this perspective, the process of teaching and learning of lexical items should not be designed in a model of correspondence between the words of the discourse and the objects of the world, since the categories and the objects of speech used to describe the world arenÂt preexistent but the result of a dynamic process and, especially, intersubjective, which provides through discursive practices and social cognitive and culturally situated. In other words, our speeches are public versions of the world, susceptible of becoming in the course of discoursive developments, agreements and disagreements between the interlocutors and not in a relationship with a direct and objective outside world. Thus, the teaching of vocabulary should take into account the word inserted in the tissue of the text and connected to the speech in which appears, generating sense effects of criticism, ironies, ambiguities, stereotypes, among others. The study showed that the activities which exploit the phenomenon of categorization in the LDP, although insufficient in number, contribute significantly to the global understanding of the text, providing a comparison and coordination of informations, the development of inferences about the components and implicit inter relations and the productive use of the vocabulary


sociocognitivismo livro didÃtico de lÃngua portuguesa sociocognitivism lexicon categorization of objects of discourse lÃxico categorizaÃÃo de objetos de discurso portuguese language textbooks letras

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