Tradução do texto teatral : novos desafios da investigação tradutória


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The area of research of this thesis is translation studies, with emphasis on theater translation or drama translation. It presents an analysis of the translation studies in the 21st century, in order to clarify the present direction of this area of knowledge. The focus of the research is the translation of theatre texts, which, until the last decade, was a neglected field in translation studies, and, in the world of academe, the stage play was traditionally viewed and translated as a work of literature. For a better understanding of theatre translation is presented a detailed analysis of the features of the theatre text which main characteristic is be written to be performed. Is also presented a historical-descriptive approach of the theater translation theories, aiming to cover the various aspects of this kind of translation, which can be stage-oriented or reader-oriented. To complement this research, is presented a translation of the play Guy Domville, by Henry James, based on the conceptual framework mentioned above.


theater text tradução theatre translation tradução teatral drama translation teatro drama dramaturgia james, henry, 1843-1916, guy domville guy domville critica e interpretacao literatura comparada

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