The guitar in the age of recording: performance and misreading in the art of Julian Bream / O violão na era do disco: interpretação e desleitura na arte de Julian Bream




This thesis shows how the classical guitar canon is a phenomenon of the twentieth century in contrast, for example, with the piano, violin and orchestral repertoires, whose canons had been formed step by step since the end of the eighteenth century and dependent as such on the criteria fixed by its interpreters through the medium of sound recording. The project highlights especially, the Age of LPs (1950-90) as the central part of a process where the act of listening to recordings seems to be as important as the edition of music scores. So, for the guitar, the writing is also a sound, and the music is primarily the musicians. Therefore, there are important analogies between the ascension and stabilization of the instrument in the international concert scene and the conceptual development of the recordings, which moves from the Recital LP, simulacrum of live performance, to the Art Work LP, influenced by the historically informed performance and constituting a kind of sound simulacrum of the edited music score. Two important artists who contributed to this process are studied here: Andrés Segovia (1893-1987) and mainly Julian Bream (1933), whose wide phonographic work, released during the second half of the twentieth century, has been analyzed in contrast with the recordings made by Segovia in the first half of the century. Taking that into consideration, authors such as Dahlhaus, Adorno, Lotman, Said and especially Bloom provide decisive conceptual tools for the thesis. Based on this theoretical approach, our study of Juliam Breams discography has been divided into three moments: the poetical origins (the swerving from Segovia); the middle period (constitution of an independent voice); and the late phase (misreading of the precursor). The thesis also includes a detailed research of the recordings made by both interpreters and it restores the original context of their albums


interpretação musical violonistas musical performance segovia, andres 1893-1987 -- fonografia musica bream, julian 1933- -- fonografia violao julian bream recording

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