Teorias implícitas de trabalhador comprometido e estratégias cotidianas de gestão: uma análise qualitativa. / Implicit theories of employee commitment and daily management strategies: a qualitative analysis.




The objective of this dissertation is to understand the implicit theories that managers have regarding what a committed worker is and the relationship between them and the day to day management strategies they apply to their teams. Implicit Theory is comprehended as defined by Janissek-de-Souza (2007): a logical maze of schematic elements that is built and originated from cognitive interpretations and filtering. Organizational commitment, on the other side, is like Bastos (1994) defines a concept that involves the notion of a desire to stay, to continue, the feeling of pride to belong, involvement with objectives and values, and perform to achieve in favor of something or someone. Using these as theoretical base, the identification of the Implicit Theory construct was carried out through getting several schematic elements that make the committed worker concept constructed by the managers (exploring and weighing the affective and continuance elements that comprise it) and the explanations that they have about the possible antecedents and consequents factors to the development of diverse commitment profiles. In that regard, a semi structured interview was conducted with open questions the managers would choose. The collected data was analyzed following the content analysis procedure and results were presented through cognitive mapping techniques application. This research was conducted in two companies located in Salvador, Bahia (one medium size, one large size company). Eight managers, four from each organization, were interviewed. This is a qualitative study, that has a explicative purpose. From the original hypothesis, only one was not totally confirmed. This study concluded that: 1) managers relate more positive experiences and favorable results for the organization with the affective committed worker profile than with the ones with a continuance profile; 2) the Implicit Theory that managers presented about the committed worker is more adherent to the affective dimension of commitment than with the continuance dimension for them, commitment itself is the affective base; and 3) different comprehensions about commitment are associated to different decisions courses in regard to people management, even though this does not happen in all routine situations managers go through. This study contributes to the discussions that have been going among the organizational commitment researchers about the necessity for more conceptual precision for the construct, and proves that qualitative methods can effectively contribute to enhance knowledge in the Field as much as the hegemonic usage of quantitative methods. Furthermore, the data here offered provides a better understanding of the effects of managers appraisals regarding subordinates commitment over their strategies manage the teams. This could be more profoundly investigated from a self fulfilling prophecy theory approach.


organization cognition organizational commitment teoria implícita cognição organizacional people management administracao gestão de pessoas comprometimento organizacional implicit theory

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