TECNOLOGIA DE PRODUÇÃO DE CONSERVA DE TILÁPIA (Oreochromis niloticus, Linnaeus, 1758 - Linhagem chitralada)




The canning industry in Brazil has been facing serious problems of supply, since the extractive fishery of the main prime-materia that is the fishing doesnt supply the demand of the seccion, which has done a high degree of idleness and/or the necessity to import fish from other countries, which suggests the search of new products. The aim was to develop the kept by canning tilapia, using tilapias with medium weight of 100,02 19,89 g which, the kept, were called as charuto (trunk without head, paddles, gutteds and flakes). The charutos were put into brine, pre-boiled and then added sauce of covering. Cans were closed in semiautomatic and autoclaved recravadeira, three termic treatments of 15, 20 and 30 minutes, using constant temperature of 121 C. The choice of the best portion of pickle was done by sensorial analysis by color, aroma, flavor, texture and general quality. To qualify e classifying the pickles were carried out nutritional, phisical-chemical analyses, test of esterility and test of paired preference. At the acceptability analysis of the pickle of tilapia, all the termics treatments were approved in the test, but there was not diference between the treatments (P <0,05). Nevertheless, the treatments of 15 and 20 minutes showed inferior grade to 7 for flavor, what made possible the choice of the 30 minute-treatment as the best, being chosen to be valuated in the test of preference, with commercial conservation. The phisical-chemical traits of the pickles showed the following results: 74,72% humidity, 18,31% proteins, 4,78% ashes, 2,31% lipids, 94,03 Kcal total caloric value, 726,32 mg calcium, 0,90 mg ferro and 333,75 mg sodium. The nutricional information for one portion of 60g of the product was: caloric value 60 Kcal, carbohidrats 0 g, proteins 11 g, total fat 1,5 g, satured fat 0,5 g, cholesterol 36 mg, feed fiber 0 g, calcium 435,8 mg, ferro 0,54 mg and sodium 200 mg. The incubation test accused no contamination of the product and in the paired preference test there was no diference (P <0,05) between the tilapia conservation and the conservation of commercial fish. Conclude that the consevation of tilapia shows phisical-chemicals, nutricional e sensorial compatibility with the similar commercial products, which confirm the viability of the product for the market of pickles.


tilápia canned análise sensorial charuto pickle conserva sensorial analysis oreochromis niloticus tecnologia alimentar recursos pesqueiros marinhos charuto oreochromis niloticus enlatado tilapia

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