Task and delay of reinforcement effects on mathematical questions solution behavior among children with or without ADHD / Efeitos de atraso e tarefa na resolução de problemas matemáticos em crianças com e sem TDAH




The Attention Deficit Hiperativity Disorder (ADHD) has been related to self-control. In behavior analysis, self-control/impulsivity situations have been studied using alternatives differing in reinforcer delay and magnitude. Studies with ADHD children have shown that they have a stronger preference for immediate reinforcers, in comparison to children without ADHD. However, these studies do not vary parametrically the delay or other tasks characteristics. In the present study, eight children were allocated in an ADHD group, while other six children were allocated in a non ADHD group. After that they were submitted to five experimental sessions in which they had to solve math problems, according to one of two tasks: in the free composition (funny) task, the numbers flied in a colorful screen, and the children had to click the numbers that solved the problem; in the fixed composition (formal) task the numbers were presented in a form similar to those learned at school, presented over a blank screen. Five pairs of delay were used (in seconds): 30 30; 45 15; 1 60; 15 45; and, 60 1. As in other studies with humans about effects of delay on choice, the relative choice did not vary systematically with delay. Moreover, for ADHD group, there were more fluctuations in the preference between alternatives. The present results point out the necessity to be cautious in say that ADHD involves self-control when he uses delayed choices; furthermore, they call a discussion about the problems in use this model. The present work still proposes an alternate account for ADHD based on preference fluctuation.


autocontrole attention deficit hiperativity disorder (adhd) reforço atraso psicologia transtorno de déficit de atenção e hiperatividade (tdah) choice reinforcement escolha delay self-control

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