Leitura, interpretação e resolução de problemas matemáticos de estruturas aditivas




This research, attached to the search line "teaching practices and its relationship with the teacher training," aimed to describe and to analyze the performance and ways of solution of the problems of mathematical addition structures with pupils of the elementary school, related to their reading and their interpretation as a way to identify the relationships that is contained in the mathematical problems. 40 students participated in this search of the 4th grade of elementary school in Campo Grande / MS, 20 students of a public school and 20 of a private school. Data were collected through application of a test with six problems, based on six types of relations the basic structures of additives, as it was described by G. Vergnaud. The problems were organized into three groups, one problem (P2) for the second type of relationship (transformation of states); two problems (P3 and P4) for the third type of relationship (comparison of states) and three problems (P1, P5 and P6) for the 4th type of relationship (composition of two transformations). Parallel to solutions of the problems information about their reading and their interpretation was collected. The results showed that: 1) in the reading of the problems, the students had decoded the same text, but in general, they failed in translating the interpretation of the problems using the verbal explanation, the design and mathematical sentence, 2) students have interpreted more easily the problems of transformation of states and composition of two transformations, evidenced in its performance, while the problems of comparison of states were registered the lowest among the six performance problems searched, 3) on the ways for solutions, it was evident that students have easily accomplished to indicate these relationships in the processing problems of states and composition of transformations, where in the text of the problem was an indication of the operation, while the problems of comparing states students showed the greatest difficulties to indicate ways of solution, that indicates a superficial reading, or whose interpretation was based on textual evidence and the linear aspect of the statement of the texts. The results were analyzed according to the theoretical reference on reading and interpretation of texts, as well as the conceptual theory of fields, pointing to the importance of focus on the issues of the reading of texts in the teaching of mathematics, as a way to interpret the relations of mathematical nature in them. .


additive structure problems leitura e interpretação educacao math teaching. reading and interpretation ensino de matemática. problemas de estrutura aditiva

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