Responsabilidade social corporativa e envolvimento do consumidor: um estudo soteropolitano (2008)




Social Corporative Responsibility (SCR) has been extensively studied over the last decades. As opposed to most societies; the practice of SCR is incipient in Brazil. This justifies profound discussions among government groups and civil society. A great number of studies about SCR focus on organizations, lacking attention on consumers point of view. This essay aims to fill this gap. Recent studies demonstrate a growing interest of consumers on social actions by organizations. The objective of the present study is to evaluate society reaction towards practices of Social Corporation Responsibility (PSCR) considering the following variables: degree of involvement, social responsible attitudes, age group e social class, based in precedent studies of Marketing theory. The chosen methodology was based in experimental research and was applied in Salvador Metropolitan region using the model of multiple linear regressions. The sample consisted of 225 young individuals from high middle class (56%). Before analyzing the results, the sample and the variables were validated followed by the application of the escalonation technique and the linear regression properly. The analyses of the results were done trying not the break the presuppositions. The homogeneity of the results was confirmed. The relationship between involvement and social class were statistically significant, justifying the acceptance of association proposed. The results of this study indicates that the PRSCs generate positive impact on consumer behavior in the buying process and shows PRSC as an important strategic tool for companies and may be a differential to the consumer in their purchase decision-making.


consumidor social corporative responsibility purchase decisionmaking responsabilidade social corporativa valor percebido e intenção de compra administracao consumer involvement envolvimento benefício percebido

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