Redes sociais e compartilhamento de conhecimento : o caso do Centro TecnolÃgico do Agreste de Pernambuco




The study aimed to analyze the performance of the Technology Center of the Wild (CTA) from Pernambuco, located in Caruaru, in the context of state public policy for innovation, under the lens of local systems of innovation (SLI), Public Policy (PP), Social Networks (RS) and Sharing of Knowledge. Depending on the themes addressed, the theoretical reference addresses issues relating to the social networks, knowledge networks, local innovation system and technological centers. The research method strategy was the qualitative single case study. Data were collected through documentary research, desk research, semi-structured individual interviews, and field notes taken during visits to Caruaru. The analysis focused the role of the CTA, showing that the local innovation system is not well established. The local innovation system was described through the social relations between the mapped stakeholders including the mandates of Jarbas Vasconcelos and Eduardo Campos. As mentioned, the model of analysis focused social networks, socio boundaries of space and social relationships that built environment, focusing on local needs in relation to knowledge directed to education, innovation and local development. Thus, regarding the purpose of promoting better management of shared and internalization of knowledge, the understanding is that they are still low by CTA progress towards this is the agent for promoting the consolidation of local base of innovation, at least in the short term. The results indicate that the three basic functions: Vocational Education, Technological Innovation and Entrepreneurship, initially assigned to the CTA, only the first have been institutionalized. Can be stated that the role it plays in the CTA system of local innovation is studied both by less than expected by stakeholders as outlined in its creation through the Program for Technology Centers. It is worth mentioning that the local production and adaptation of innovations by often follow through practice in attempts by local producers. There are institutional programs implemented by the system S (SEBRAE, SENAC, SENAI, SESC and SESI), but this mechanism can be enhanced due to the need for speed in innovation in the context of the CTA, through exchanges between institutions, socialization of knowledge, credit, infrastructure for the consolidation of networking alliances in fostering innovation and production of knowledge.


gestÃo de polÃticas gestÃo do conhecimento social networks programas e projetos sociais inovaÃÃes tecnolÃgicas - agreste de pernambuco knowledge-sharing innovation local system administracao estrutura social technological centers

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