Queixas de aprendizagem: quando a responsabilidade social recai sobre a criança




This research had a main goal to investigate the hypothesis of pathologisation for childrens claims sent to an infantile mental health service, understanding for pathologisation the act of facing or explaining the problems under the sickness optic. For that they centralized their investigation in the learning problem answering for the largest institutional demand. The study about the presence of multiple determinants acting in the learning problems is fundamental to conduct their confront in relation to prevention and treatment. In the methodological course were used quantitative and qualitative approaches with tools and conducts of given collects with were: statistical surveys, documental analysis, interviews with children, family and educators, literature revision, systematical and participant observation. The results got were interpreted by the light from the concepts of Learning Difficulty and School Learning Difficulty, concepts used by the ambulatory of Neuro-Difficulties of Learning from HC/FCM/Unicamp. It was found out the presence of pedagogic determinants, economics, politics, psychological and familiars, acting as complicated cause in the children learning process. These determinants showed the existence of DE. In relation to the presence of DA represented by intrinsic disorders for the person, originated from Central Nervous System, this study showed inconclusive. During the research observed the guarantee children law violation. It is understood that the critical reading of this dissertation can give subsidies for an analysis of children mental health institution and help in the politic public elaboration for the childhood


dificuldade difficulties criança learning aprendizagem child crianças -- transtornos de aprendizagem servico social saúde mental infantil

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