Quaternary circuits : adder and multiplier / Circuitos quaternarios : somador e multiplicador




The quaternary circuits are an alternative to data processing that, nowadays, occurs in a binary way. Still in a definition stage, the multiple-valued logic seems to be a research area to aid the increase of performance and reduction of area of the transistors inside an integrated circuit. The multiple-valued logic using four digits to represent the data is called quaternary logic. In this work are proposed some basic blocks of electronic quaternary circuit which are progressively joined to become more complex blocks and finally a half-adder, a full adder and a multiplier. The configurations are done and evaluated in a circuit simulator operating in a current-mode with bipolar NPN and PNP transistors


multivalued logic eletronic circuits circuitos logicos bipolar transistors logica a multiplos valores logic circuits mvl circuitos eletronicos transistores bipolares

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