Proposta e implementação de uma interface para motores de jogos interativa e centrada no usuário. / Proposal and implementation of an interactive user-centered interface for game engines.




Game engines are tools to aid the development of computer and video games through software reuse. Once born in a technological environment, present game engines, either commercial or not, are normally worried more about the number of implemented features than usability issues. These characteristics may extend the period of learning-time. To address the goal of better adapting a didactic game engine to pedagogical needs, this study proposes an interactive interface for engines called Game Wrench, following Computer-Human Interface methods. Being multidisciplinary fields, a theoretical base on the related subjects is presented, starting with a precise definition for the concept of gaming. Undergraduate students of Escola Politecnica da USP enrolled in a Computer Graphics course where they develop games using a didactic engine called enJine, compose the specific scenario for which this programming environment was developed. Using paper prototypes, usability tests were conducted with some of these students, generating a list of guidelines for implementing this interface. A preliminary Java version of the interface was made available, generating results and contribution throughout the design process, such as design artifacts (personas, scenarios), programming tools (GAML specification, enJine classes, specialized widgets) and guidelines for the methodology adopted (heuristic evaluation, paper prototypes, usability tests).


teaching and learning electronic game teste de usabilidade ambiente de programação development environment motor de jogo ensino e aprendizagem usability test jogos eletrônicos game engine computer-human interaction interação humano-computador

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