Programa de atendimento as superdotado da secretaria de estado de educação do Distrito Federal (1991-2002) : inclusão social ou tergiversação burocrática?




The present research analyses the Attendance Program to Highly Gifted Students (Programa de Atendimento ao Superdotado) directed by the State Secretariat of Education in the Federal District of Brazil, from February, 1991 to December, 2002, for the purpose of verifying whether activities developed during the processes of guiding, evaluating and, attending highly gifted students favored their social inclusion. Making use of interviews with participants in the program such as managers, teachers and former students, as well as document studies, this research noticed the necessity and importance of not only identifying highly gifted students, but also providing them a specialized program for the purpose of favoring their adjustment and social inclusion. It was noticed a great number of male students among the sample of the highly gifted ones, which proved a male predominance. The necessity of a specialized program for highly gifted students was reinforced, since such students are not recognized in regular education by their teachers or stimulated in an appropriate way. The study also verified disagreements among professionals of the area regarding the management of a program for highly gifted students subjected to the same institution which attends the deficient ones, as well as a possible correlation between the limitations faced by the Attendance Program to Highly Gifted Students and the Guidelines of the Ministry of Education and Culture (MEC) for this area, since these guidelines indicate greater attention to programs attending students who present some kind of deficiency, to the detriment of those attending highly gifted students, specially in the distribution of financial resources and the recognition of these students.


atendimento (superdotados) sociologia educação especial education. superdotação (crianças) highly gifted educação crianças superdotadas - educação - integração social brasília (df) - política social attendance inclusion educação inclusiva inclusão (sociologia)

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