PATER INCERTUS, MATER CERTA: as práticas de assoldadamento em Estância e sua contribuição para a História da Educação da Infância em Sergipe (1865-1895).




The shortage of studies about Sergipe childhoods education at eight hundred period instigated the elaboration of that dissertation that has as object sold practices at Estância city between 1865 and 1895. Upon excuse that be exercising a good action educating and teaching an occupation to orphan, removing him from loafer and criminal life, take minors in sold represents an accomplishable and cheapper alternative to that people that not desire or dont have conditions to endow legally in the hands as means of slaves labor that presents more expensive after Eusébio de Queirós Law even the last days of slavery systems life or emigrants labor. Purposing to understand how aspected this theme, we used as wellsprings of information judicious process about tutorage from Estância about 19th century and interpreted them through Norbert Elias civilization, configuration, individuality, habitus, psychogenesis and sociogenesis concepts; like others scientific studies from theorics that following Cultural History line which we adopted.


infância sistema servil childhood slavery system educação popular educacao popular education assoldadamento lei do ventre livre sold practices ventre livres low

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