"Parceria na educação: iniciativas dos governos no Estado de São Paulo de incentivo à parceria com escolas públicas, a partir de 1987" / Partnership in the education: initiatives of the governments in the State of São Paulo of incentive to the partnership with public schools, from 1987




The objective of this research is to analyze the initiatives taken by the state government of Sao Paulo. These initiatives encourage the partnership between public schools, private companies and organizations of civil society since 1987. As a strategy, I have developed a historic retrospective study of the past four government administrations in order to identify programs and ideas to stimulate partnerships similar to the one described above. I have identified the characteristics of the partnerships between schools and companies/non-profit organizations, the development and their results through research of dissertations and thesis. I have analyzed the worldwide states reform that began in the 1970s with the intention to understand the context of partnerships. In Brazil, these reforms intensified during the 80s and 90s; at the same time, governors attempted to reorganize the degree of intervention of the State in the implementation of social, and especially, educational politics. I also approach the discussion of Mundial Declaration about Education for All, which presented an agenda of global education reform based on the support of the international organization. I analyze the movement of reform of States, with growing presentation, and participation, of businesses and the third sector of the educational; as well as projects of relationships with public schools. The results of this research indicate that this type of partnership, in general, are temporary, and do not present a long-term solution to the circumstances and issues that public education has. The political partnership programs must be analyzed as a mechanism of redistribution of competence; in which the State would be the only part responsible for educational and social actions. Such mechanism should complement and guarantee the maintenance and function of the public school system.


educação education enterprise social responsibility estado government of the state of são paulo governo do estado de são paulo não-governametais organizations organizações não-governametais parceria. partnership. responsabilidade social empresarial state

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