Protective councils and public schools of São Paulo: the precise dialogue. / Conselhos tutelares e escolas públicas de São Paulo: o diálogo preciso.




The research: "Protective Councils and Public Schools of São Paulo: The precise dialogue! Had as its goal objective the analysis of the correspondences dynamics between public schools and the thirty-five Protective Councils inserted in São Paulo City, according to the rules of "ECA - Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente"[Infant and Juvenile Statute - Federal Law no. 8069/90]. The project emphasis lies over the contradiction between the new laws radicalism and the total complete protection Doctrine, besides the scholastic quotidian which still shares on the irregular situation Doctrine. The present study comprehended the investigation of the performance of the protective councils on the scope of requirements made by schools from 2001 to 2006. As well, the vision of teachers of 10 public schools in São Paulo City concerning to the performance of the protective counselors. Through the protective councilsdocuments analysis questionnaires and interviews, we shall point questions that either make easy or make difficult the relations between public schools and the protective councils. This research has as its theorical system of references the researcher Antonio Gramsci; this, both protective councils and public schools were defended considered as public spaces of transforming potential over the strengthening of participative democracy inside these entities.


antonio gramsci public schools conselho tutelar democracy direitos humanos infant and juvenile statute councils democracia escolas públicas sociologia da educação estatuto da criança e do adolescente - eca

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