Os aspectos culturais do livro didático de inglês como lingua estrangeira e os parâmetros curriculares nacionais: convergências ou divergências?




The present paper aims to analyze the relationship between cultural aspects presented in the English Language coursebook and the guidelines offered by the Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais (PCNs) for foreing languages. To achieve this objective, I searched for cultural models established by the United States in the texts of the units of the coursebook, as a result of the linguistic imperialism from that country. The study followed a qualitative approach with interpretative methodology, in order to categorize the cultural aspects in geopolitics of english, interdisciplinary subjects, visible culture and working. The categories were organized according to the PCNs for foreing language. The results show that the PCNs are considered in some texts of the book because they respect the ideas from the document


processo ensino-aprendizagem parâmetro curricular nacional livro didático linguistica aplicada lingua inglesa

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