Origem da Igreja Cristã de São Paulo e a contribuição de alguns de seus membros para a formação da FFLCH/USP: uma expressão da liberdade religiosa




The implantation of the Presbyterianism in Brazil began in 1859 with the arrival of the Presbyterian missionary Rev. Ashbel Green Simonton. The Presbyterianism, in its long implantation process, development and structuring, was marked by successes and internal schisms. In 1903 the first schism appears in the Brazilian national environment, giving rise to the Independent Presbyterian Church of Brazil. Some years later, more precisely thirty seven years, a theological debate arouse inside that church, which represented tendencies that already existed. The essential issue that starts the rupture is The Doctrine of the Endless Punishment." Besides the above essential issue, this paper will present other aspects that indirectly contributed for the organization of the Igreja Cristã de São Paulo; at the same time, it intends to demonstrate the contribution of ICSP members for the Education and Teaching at São Paulo State University.


intelectualismo educação endless punishment teaching history presbyterianism of mission história fundamentalismo teológico education história da igreja intellectualism teologia history of the church penas eternas theological fundamentalism influência confessionalismo theological liberalism presbiterianismo confessionalism liberalismo teológico social influence liberdade de religião

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