Oralidade e escrita: narrativas de professoras alfabetizadoras e de alunos da educação de jovens e adultos.


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The text dissertation tries to raise the conceptions of the educators and of the students of EJA (Education of Youths and Adults) on the relation between oral and written languages and its implications for the learning of the written language. It has the objective to expose the imaginary of writing and of orality of the educators and of the students. The conceptions were collected through observation in the classrooms and also, during interviews, carried out in a Municipal School (Lauro de Freitas, Metropolitan Region of Salvador Ba). The students were divided into: group A and group B (both EJA 1), and finally group EJA 2. The analysis of the data collected in the field support the Theoreticians of the Language and the reflections of the investigator, and the theoreticians of the language also substantiate the theoretical research. As for the results obtained (the conceptions, the values, the attitudes of the educators and of the students on the writing and the orality) it was established, that they influence both the teaching practice and the process of acquisition of the written language carried out by the students, since the imaginary of writing and of orality built by them, is practiced within the society.


alphabetization of youths and adults written alfabetização de jovens e adultos escrita oralidade educacao orality

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