O relacionamento comprador-vendendor no varejo como experiÃncia estÃtica




In this study we pass through a ânewâ way understanding an interorganizational relationship between buyer and seller by the aesthetic experience emphasizing the role of our five senses in the knowledge creation and of the understanding of the interpersonal phenomena. Thus, we explore a study of illustrative case and make a revision of underlying literature, leaving of the conception of that we construct to the world and the society where we live at the same time where we are constructed by them. We ponder that the central abilities of an organization are based on its net of relations - of "the creative" construction of truly rewarding relationships. But it takes time, therefore the identification if develops to the long one of shared history, fruit of last experiences. These would be "pleasant" relations where the partners create a positive atmosphere, feeling itself connected with the other one the point to form deep and authentic bows - a friendship. In this understanding we value the subjectivity of the individuals - that is what they possess of more original, its "auras". Since the aesthetic experience is a way to transmit and to share particular forms to feel the knowledge that cannot be expressed in words. Therefore, we understand the aesthetic ideas as irreducible representations of the imagination the concepts, possessing the power to suggest inaccessible truths to the objective knowledge. Then, as a work of art, a relationship B2B also can be a set significant, capable to enclose perceptions, that the meaning the concepts do not exhaust. Thus, our answers are interpretations and not conclusive reports, therefore we desire to extend our understanding of that we know. We deal with meanings. Our "discoveries" are ideas


sociology of the knowledge aesthetic experience interoganizational relationship experiÃncia estÃtica relationship marketing relacionamento comprador-vendendor administracao

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