Nosso, da gente e de nós: Um estudo sociolinguístico da expressão de posse no português rural afro-brasileiro.




The main objective of this dissertation was socio-historically to analyse the Portuguese language in Brazil, aiming to prove that the intense and massive contact of languages during its formation process played a very important role in delimitating the main characteristics of such a linguistic variation. In order to achieve this goal, the possessive system used by afro-Brazilian rural communities became the topic of this research. Authors had already taken this topic into consideration, focusing Brazilian Portuguese urban varieties; such reports were then linked to ours, just after an empiric analysis of this dissertation. Yet, a parallel between these results and the possessive system used in Creole languages was suggested. Wise was to conclude Brazilian Portuguese experiences a process of bipolarization of rules: one pole imposes standard varieties, while the other does popular ones. Thus, by the use of the Sociolinguistic Theoretical-Methodological Model, and the constructs of the Creoulistic, this research proved the hypothesis that a coherent analysis on the historical socio-linguistic of the Brazilian Portuguese language must consider the contact of languages during the formation process of the linguistic reality in Brazil.


crioulística contato entre línguas pronominal system sociolinguística variacionista português afro-brasileiro linguistica sistema pronominal creoulistic formation of portuguese in brazil formação do português do brasil sociolinguistic português rural afro-brazilian portuguese rural portuguese contact of languages

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