Literary readings in children education, Argentina and Brazil (1915-1954). / A semear horizontes: leituras literárias na formação da infância, Argentina e Brasil (1915-1954).




This dissertation discusses, from a comparative perspective, the construction of a field for the development and circulation of children’s literature in Argentina and Brazil, between 1915 and 1954. Among other reasons, the issue of children s readings arose in these contexts due to the appropriation of references and initiatives observed in foreign countries, the development and segmentation of the publishing market, and the expansion of scope of the public debate and of policies concerning education. The core problems of this investigation refer to the role played by literary readings in children s upbringing, and to the kind of repertories that were offered, beyond school texts, to this public. Consequently, the analysis focuses on the perspectives that oriented Argentinian and Brazilian authors of children s literature, and on the conduct of mediators devoted to promote or control certain reading habits – not exclusively of works produced locally –, through educational institutions, libraries and publishing houses. Quite often, there were relations between these perspectives and principles that aimed at providing children with an integral formation, based either on modern pedagogy or on the so-called new education, which enhanced the value of literature in the upbringing process. If these intersections encouraged the diffusion, in both countries, of literary readings in childhood, they also helped to shape the profile of the emerging national literature and the mediators attitudes. In this scenario, taken – mainly in the case of Argentina – by classics of foreign children s literature, just a few writers were able to set apart from the others, the most remarkable example being Monteiro Lobato.


educação literature childhood brazil literatura infância brasil argentina education

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