Limites e Garantias do Direito ao Sigilo BancÃrio em Face da GestÃo de Recursos PÃblicos




The present dissertation aims to analyze the right to banking secrecy in different perspectives, situating it along the history of worldwide civilization, establishing its strong relation with the commerce evolution, even before any development of ideas related to the right of privacy or intimacy, typical of liberal thoughts. The work also tried to emphasize the problematic distinction between the public and the private in the development of the Brazilian State, trying to point the reinforcement to the tax evasion due to the strong defense of the right to banking secrecy and, at the end, analyzing the neoliberalism phenomenon and its uselessness to set adequate limits to that right. Itâs presented the legislative and doctrinaire evolution of the rights of privacy and intimacy, and, also, an analysis of the status of the right to banking secrecy in juridical brazilian system. There were also fixed points to put an adequate hermeneutical treatment to this right, according to main Constitutionâs principles. It was developed an analysis in order to identify efficient means of combating corruption. Finally, the work points out to a new version of the principle of the supremacy of the public behalf, putting focus on the protection of the public money, emphasizing the publicity in public sphere and the rescue of the morality in public service, by the expansion of the hypothesis of banking secrecy transfer


interesse pÃblico sigilo bancÃrio direito right banking secrecy public behalf direito

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