Uma metodologia de otimizaÃÃo do processo de atendimento ao cliente no setor bancÃrio : um estudo de caso




In a highly competitive market where it looks for getting better indexes of customer satisfaction, greater profits and efficiency, beyond services of high quality, it is essential to continuously prepare people and the working processes so they can contribute for the success of the company, as a competitive advantage. This work wanted to demonstrate, through a case study, how the utilization of a model of planning that involves the people and adapted to the reality of the company can contribute for reaching better results. The elaboration of this model had as a starting point the description of the current situation of the company, through the analysis of its performance indicators, the internal culture and the practices adopted for the management of processes and people. From that point, the objective was to involve people in the identification of work and analysis of the critical processes and the main existing losses in these processes, and the formularization of an action plan of improvement, in order to eliminate those losses and contribute for the achievement of the performance goals proposals for the Organization. It was possible to verify, amongst other things, how the involvement and the participation of people can help the company to reach better results and how the organizational culture can influence the perception and the behavior of people according to the quality and the opportunities of improvements Finally this work comprehends the planning and management of actions for reaching improvements in the processes and the quality of the services, using the analysis of performance indicators and the participation of people, looking for preparing the company better in order to compete and meet of the market expectations


enterprise planning and management anÃlise de indicadores de desempenho engenharia de producao identification of work and analysis vantagem competitiva competitive advantage planejamento e gerenciamento empresarial

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