InovaÃÃo tecnolÃgica e estrutura organizacional: o caso do centro de tratamento de cartas/Recife da Empresa Brasileira de Correios e TelÃgrafos (ECT)




This study has for objective to analyze the relationship between the technological innovation and the structure organizational starting from a case study. The variable technological innovation is represented by the automation of the processing of correspondences, implemented in the Centro de Tratamento de Cartas/Recife of the Empresa Brasileira de Correios e TelÃgrafos (ECT), and the variable structure organizational it is represented by the factors of design of the individual positions, defined for Mintzberg(1995). The approach to the theme differs of the traditional approaches for analyzing the relationship between these variables in the level intra-organizational and for accomplishing it in a company of services


inovaÃÃo tecnolÃgica administracao mintzberg ect centro de tratamento de cartas

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