Efeitos da inovaÃÃo tecnolÃgica sobre o mercado de trabalho: um estudo para o caso brasileiro




The aim of this study is to investigate the impacts of technological innovation on employment growth. The impacts of innovation are distinguished between process and product innovation due to different correlations between these types of innovation on employment. At last, it is verified that the presence of technological innovation has a bias due to qualification. The empirical investigation uses Brazilian database surveys with firmâs microdata. The results suggest that process innovation tends to displace employment. In opposite, product innovation tends to increase employment growth rate. The positive compensation effects due to the employment growth through product innovation are bigger than the displacement effects through process innovation. Then, the technological innovation bias was noted after verifying that skilled labor intensive firms presented the employment growth rate smaller than unskilled labor intensive firms. This last result suggests that the productivity of the skilled workers increased after process innovation, pointing out the presence of technological innovation bias


cost-minimization problem emprego problema de minimizaÃÃo de custos technological innovation economia dos recursos humanos inovaÃÃo tecnolÃgica employment

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