InfluÃncias hedÃnicas na satisfaÃÃo do consumidor de Restaurantes




This study deals with the influence of the gastronomic restaurant environment with consumer satisfaction, intermediated by the activated emotions during consumption. The adopted methodology was based on a combination of quantitative and qualitative techniques. On the first phase it was realized a bibliographic research, semi- structured personal interviews, applying interpretative analysis of interviewed person speech. The second phase was characterized by a descriptive study, consisting in data collection to 251 clients of restaurants associated in Recife to the âAssociaÃÃo da Boa LembranÃaâ (Good Memory Association), using a structured questionnaire. To analise the data statistics descriptive and multiversity techniques were applied. The results indicated that restaurant service environment was classified in five different dimensions: service excellence, architectural/decoration, physical ambience, sensory stimulus and other clients. In general, the restaurant clients were satisfied with the service environment as well as with the services offered by the investigated restaurants. The service environment is positively related to the pleasure emotions and to the activations. The pleasure is positively related to the consumer satisfaction as well as to the ambience and the general services. Activation did not show any significant statistical relation to satisfaction nor to ambience and nor to service satisfaction


service environment restaurantes emotions satisfaÃÃo ambiente de serviÃo restaurants satisfaction administracao emoÃÃo

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