InduÃÃo da proliferaÃÃo celular em culturas H.Ep-2, submetidas à laserterapia de 685 nm e 830 nm




Laser has physical characteristics that favor a specific interaction with biological tissues. To evaluate its influence in the proliferation rate, human larynx carcinoma cells (H.Ep-2) in vitro had been irradiated with 685 nm and 830 nm, using doses 0,5 and 1,7 J/cm2. Eight protocols had benn studied and observed in five distinct times (T0h, T6h, T24h, T48h and T72h). Forty microplates containing 200 μl of cellular suspension had been prepared, with 105 cells/ml in each well. Of this, 20 microplates had been kept in ideal nutrition (10% FBS) and the others 20 microplates in nutritional deficit (5% FBS). At the end of 72 hours of the experiment, all groups presented increased proliferation rate, both the cultures in standard nutrition and nutritional deficit cultures. The cultures in nutritional deficit that received 685 nm and 0,5 J/cm2 presented the lowest growing curve, while all the others had had a similar development. Independent of dose, the cultures supported in ideal nutrition and irradiated with 830 nm had presented the highest proliferation rate. Comparing both wave lengths, significant difference was observed only in the cells supported with 10% FBS, irradiated with 830 nm and 1,7 J/cm2 (p<0,001). Generally, analyzing all growing curves, the cultures that had received the smaller dose had answered more quickly to the proliferation induction, while the infrared light presented the best ones results. Comparing irradiated groups with its respective controls, there were no significant differences. Under the studied parameters, lasertherapy does not change the proliferation rate in cells H.Ep-2 in vitro


cultura celular lasertherapy cell culture proliferaÃÃo celular cell proliferation odontologia laserterapia

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