Estudo da percepÃÃo do idoso institucionalizado em relaÃÃo ao seu alcance funcional




The fall is considered one of the major events in the elderly s health and results of the interaction of diverse factors, with prominence for the postural disequilibrium. Another important factor is the incorrect judgment of his capacities, where the elderly assumes behavior of high risk, and get involved in accidents. As prevention, efforts have being put on the development of functional tests that are able to predict the falls and follow the functional state. Objective: To verify if institutionalized elderly with and without history of falls have perception of their functional reach through the difference between the expected and real functional reach. Methodology: Transversal study with 56 institutionalized elderly (average: 73,32 Â 8,94 years), subdivided into three groups: "no fall"; "one fall" and "two or more falls" in the last year. The fall risk measured by the Functional Reach Test (FRT) was evaluated - where the elderly had predicted which distance he would reach (Expected Functional Reach Measure - EFRM) as compared to the Real Functional Reach Measure (RFRM) - in the groups. Results: In the general sample, as well as in the subgroups, it did not observe differences between the EFRM and the RFRM. Conclusion: The institutionalized elderly evaluated had correct perception of their functional reach independently of the fall history and the EFRM can be one more factor to be considered in the evaluation of the elderly with history of fall.


envelhecimento; postura humana; quedas (acidentes) em idosos autopercepÃÃo saude coletiva elderly teste de alcance funcional functional reach test idoso falls avaliaÃÃo self-perception assessment

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