EducaÃÃo do campo e democratizaÃÃo: um estudo a partir de uma proposta da sociedade civil




This study aimed to investigate the democratization of field education from a proposal prepared by the non-governmental organization SERTA. The proposed study is entitled Proposal of Educational Support to Sustainable Development (PEADS). The study is mainly based in theoretical elaborations of Boaventura de Sousa Santos, particularly in the concepts of participatory democracy or democracy of high intensity. In addressing the topic, we tried to consider all areas of educational administration where school management and practices take place. From this perspective, we analyze PEADS as a proposal for the field education adopted by the municipal authorities, aiming to understand how a proposal from an organization of civil society has been building in Lagoa de Itaenga, Pernambuco. We adopted as a methodological approach the ethnographic study, through which we sought along the path of understanding of reality as real relational, and analysis of content, as a method of analysis of text, speech, documents and speeches, collected from statistic data, interviews and observation. As a field of research, we chose the PEADS, through social actors who know, have worked and still work with that proposal, particularly the SERTA, the Municipal Secretary of Education, local administrators, teachers, coordinators and trainers in the municipalities of Lagoa de Itaenga, VicÃncia, OrobÃ, Pombos (in Pernambuco), and how this is being implemented in two rural schools in Lagoa de Itaenga. The analyses allow to emphasize that itâs been occurring the democratization of access and guaranteed the permanence of students in schools. Meanwhile, regarding the democratization of the school management, it has been identified some participatory practices, to the extent that parents began to exploit the school, students become more involved with the school, and the actions happen in an articulated way, but the sharing of powers was not detected in our survey. Thus, the implementation of PEADS, as not providing for participation in decisions regarding the education of the field in the municipality, shows a distance from what is called by Santos of "participatory democracy" or "democracy of high intensity"


educacao participaÃÃo gestÃo democrÃtica education of the field democracy sociedade civil democratic management, civil society educaÃÃo do campo democracia participation

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